Produse pentru echipamente laborator (1051)

Micro-spatulă, de unică folosință - Echipament de laborator, PS, steril, ambalat individual, dispozitiv de prelevare

Micro-spatulă, de unică folosință - Echipament de laborator, PS, steril, ambalat individual, dispozitiv de prelevare

Double scoop spatula with rounded ends, content 1.0 and 0.25 ml, total length 180 mm. The micro spatula can be used to sample, transfer or process small amounts of chemicals, powders, granulates, pastes, creams or liquids. The sturdy and convenient centre handle facilitates precise work. Clean room manufactured, available either in a large package with 100 pieces or 100 pieces packaged individually and sterilised by gamma rays. Material:PS
curelog - Simplu, precis! - Meter UV

curelog - Simplu, precis! - Meter UV

The curelog is a precise radiometer with dose measurement and up to four spectral ranges. Due to its fast and precise measurements the curelog can universally be used for applications in the fields of lacquer curing, bonding, sterilization, disinfection, lithography and many other applications. The adjustable data recording rate of up to 2000 Hz (measurements per second) allows reliable measurements on fast running UV belt systems. The recording time of up to 180 h allows the measurement of long-lasting processes at low doses, like UV disinfection. The curelog simultaneously records up to four spectral ranges, each with a high-precision 24 bit ADC. The high-precision ADC gives the curelog a extrem high dynamic range. The resolution of 0.0001 mW/cm² and a measurement range of 50 W/cm² are the main features of the curelog. All common UV lamps and UV-LEDs can be measured and compared, no matter if spot or area lamps, fibre optics or UV/VIS LEDs are used. Display:graphical, 128 x 64 px Dimensions:62,5 x 100 x 14 mm³ Weight:~125 g PC interface:USB System requirements:Windows 10 / 11


PP (Polypropylene) 12x75 Non-Sterile The 12x75 Blood (Test) Tube is made from PP (Polypropylene) material and has non-sterile properties. Product Code: AKL-849
Producția de Lavandă Comună și Lavandin

Producția de Lavandă Comună și Lavandin

Les lots producteurs de lavande ou lavandin sont rarement 100% conformes à la norme ISO. Mais à partir de plusieurs lots producteurs, il est possible de faire des assemblages pour réaliser des communelles 100 % conformes. Avec les analyses ISO de chaque lot, nous vous aidons pour proposer les rapports de poids necessaires entre différents lots non conformes, pour faire des communelles 100% conformes. Dans l’exemple ci-dessous, un mélange à égalité de masse entre les lots 1 et 2 de Grosso, conduit à une communelle 100% conforme.
Furnizor de servicii de prelucrare a metalului la RPWORLD - Prelucrarea metalului și asamblări preliminare

Furnizor de servicii de prelucrare a metalului la RPWORLD - Prelucrarea metalului și asamblări preliminare

RPWORLD offers sheet metal fabrication and pre-assemblies services as the complementary of our one-stop manufacturing service. The core benefits of this process include one-stop service, wide materials selection, hardware inserts, and our extensive experience in applications. - Wide Material Selection Aluminum, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and titanium. For decorative uses, important sheet metals include silver, gold, and platinum. - Hardware Inserts Choose from hundreds of in-house hardware inserts specifically designed for sheet metal fabrication. - One-stop Service Maintain consistent part quality and guaranteed lead times under our one-stop service. - Rich Experience for Various Applications Auto parts, medical devices, home appliances, robotics, scientific instruments etc. Industries Applied: - Medical Device Manufacturing - Automotive - Scientific Instrument - Mechanical Engineering - Robotic - Design Industries Applied:Medical Device Industries Applied:Scientific Instrument
Filtru din nailon 25/50 kg - Echipament de laborator

Filtru din nailon 25/50 kg - Echipament de laborator

Filtro a tutto diametro alimentare a sacco. CARATTERISTICHE: Per maturatori da 25 e 50 kg. Si posizione tra il filtro a tutto diametro in acciaio inox e il maturatore. Completo di cordino per il fissaggio. Diametro 31 cm. Altezza 14 cm. 275 micron. Codice Prodotto:822
Labjack 300 X 300 mm cu Burghiu Fără Fir - DIN 12897

Labjack 300 X 300 mm cu Burghiu Fără Fir - DIN 12897

New construction patented DE 20 2010 006 420*height adjustment by hand or cordless drill: precise,secure, quick*mobile and network-independent operation*integrated safety clutch*stainless steel plates*shear resistant pattern*top plate with Ø 10 mm hole*slip-proof rubber feet*suitable 1/4" bit for cordless drill included in delivery
Morile și Echipamentele de Laborator - TEMA Equipments SAS - Moară și Echipamente de Laborator - 08

Morile și Echipamentele de Laborator - TEMA Equipments SAS - Moară și Echipamente de Laborator - 08

Machines d'analyses de criblage - Screening Analysis Machines Nos tamiseuses analytiques permettent le tamisage automatique de tout produit en vrac pouvant être criblé dans des fractions granulométriques différentes pour l'obtention de répartitions granulométriques reproductibles. Our analytical screening machines cover a range of analysis from 10µm up to 125 mm. Nearly all applications can be handled by our wide range of air-jet sieves and horizontally and vertically vibrating screening machines. Even analytical samples of up to 50 kgs, which may be necessary due to grain size and composition, can be analyzed by our machines with a screening area of 1 m². Échantillonnage / réduction / Matériel de laboratoire - Sampling / Size reduction / Laboratory equipment Notre programme de livraison inclus des appareils de préparation des échantillons - concasseurs, broyeurs et appareils de séparation - ainsi que des machines pour l'analyse de la taille des particules et pour la...
SENTERRA II - Microscop Raman Compact

SENTERRA II - Microscop Raman Compact

The SENTERRA II defines a new level of spectroscopic performance and user friendliness in the class of compact Raman microscopes. SENTERRA II is designed to deliver excellent sensitivity combined with high spectral and imaging performance. Therefore the SENTERRA II is a powerful platform for advanced research applications. Due to its high degree of automation, compact size and efficient workflow the SENTERRA II is likewise an ideal tool for solving real world tasks in the quality control laboratory. Its unprecedented permanent stability of the wavenumber axis guarantees precise and accurate results at every time. The SENTERRA II is THE Raman microscope for both, the multi-user environment with high daily throughput and for the lab working at the forefront of scientific research.


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Echipamente de laborator și dispozitive de măsurare - Refractometru Abbe

Echipamente de laborator și dispozitive de măsurare - Refractometru Abbe

Nos multiples partenariats avec des fabricants européens de matériels laboratoire nous permettent de couvrir la quasi-totalité des vos besoins en équipements et matériels scientifiques pour le laboratoire. C’est ainsi que nous pouvons vous proposer par exemples : des balances de précision, des balances industrielles, des densimètres électroniques, des réfractomètres électroniques, des colorimètres, des spectrophotomètres, des points éclairs, des bain-marie, des bain de sable, des agitateurs magnétiques chauffants, des plaques chauffantes, des bains à ultrasons, des thermomètres électroniques, des évaporateurs rotatifs, des cryothermostats, des enceintes climatiques, des étuves, des homogénéiseurs, des agitateurs à hélice pour laboratoire et pour l’industrie …


Ces modèles de machines de traction ST Tinius Olsen de sol offrent des capacités de 100 kN, 150 kN et 300 kN. Nos machines de traction sont conçues pour tester un large choix de matériaux, tels que les plastiques rigides et renforcés, les matériaux composites, les géotextiles, les feuilles de métal, les éprouvettes soudées, les adhésifs, les produits et composants médicaux, afin de déterminer leurs résultats en traction, compression, flexion, cisaillement, déchirement et pelage. Les bâtis des machines de traction sont équipés de cellules de charge à jauge de contrainte interchangeables et de grande précision pour capturer les données de charges appliquées. Cette conception permet de passer rapidement et facilement d’une capacité de charge aussi infime que 0,2 % de la capacité de la plus petite cellule de charge à la capacité maximale du bâti.
Ika RCT basic Agitatoare magnetice - Ika RCT basic Agitatoare magnetice: cel mai bine vândut pentru laborator

Ika RCT basic Agitatoare magnetice - Ika RCT basic Agitatoare magnetice: cel mai bine vândut pentru laborator

régulation de température intégrée livré avec PT 1000 sonde de mesure de température (PT 1000.60) réglage exact de la température et de la vitesse via l’afficheur numérique, possible même hors fonctionnement affichage de la température limite de sécurité via l’afficheur numérique Hot Top indicator >> avertissement lorsque la surface est chaude, pour éviter les brûlures! affichage de code d’erreur numérique circuit de sécurité réglable de la température de la plaque de chauffage (50 - 360 °C) agitateur de sécurité avec chauffage, conçu pour un fonctionnement sans surveillance prise DIN 12878 pour thermocontact électronique, par exemple ETS-D5 pour une régulation plus précise de la température grand niveau de sécurité grâce à un circuit de régulation amélioré garantie de longévité grâce à la construction sous boîtier fermé (IP 42) plaque de chauffage en silumine à finition ultrabrillante pour un transfert thermique optimal aimant puissant livré avec housse de protection H 100
Arzător Recuperator RECUFIRE®

Arzător Recuperator RECUFIRE®

Energiesparender und emissionsarmer Rekuperatorbrenner von 10 - 400 kW. Der im Brenner integrierte Wärmetauscher ermöglicht Energieeinsparungen bis zu 50%; für Strahlrohr- und offene Beheizung. Hochgeschwindigkeitsbrenner mit integriertem Wärmetauscher zur Vorwärmung der Verbrennungsluft aus den Verbrennungsabgasen Hohe Energieersparnis bis zu 50% (je nach Anwendungsfall) Leistungsbereich 15 - 300 kW Metallische und vollkeramische Ausführung erhältlich Für direkte und indirekte Beheizung von Industrieöfen Verfügbare Mantelstrahlrohre von 100 bis 300 mm Durchmesser Zündung direkt elektrisch Flammenüberwachung mittels Ionisationsstab (Einelektrodenbetrieb) oder UV-Sonde Hohe Flammengeschwindigkeit NOx-arme Verbrennung für Erdgas, LPG, Koksofengas, Koksofen-Hochofen-Mischgas
Calorimetrie Diferentială Dinamică - Analiză DSC - Măsurare DSC

Calorimetrie Diferentială Dinamică - Analiză DSC - Măsurare DSC

Bestimmung der Glasübergangstemperatur und der Kristallisation mithilfe dynamischer Differenzkalorimeter. Dank ihres modularen Designs sind die DSC-Instrumente aus der Thermal Analysis Excellence-Reihe von METTLER TOLEDO sowohl für den manuellen als auch für den automatischen Betrieb die beste Wahl, von der akademischen Forschung und industriellen Entwicklung bis hin zu Qualitätssicherung und Produktion. Messen Sie Proben mit dem empfindlichsten DSC der Branche – ideal für die Überprüfung aller Arten von Materialien und Auswirkungen. Das DSC ist mit einem innovativen patentierten DSC-Sensor mit 120 Thermoelementen ausgestattet, der unübertroffene Empfindlichkeit garantiert.
Camerele de testare climatică GWalkIn cu acces-GWalkIn cameră climatică

Camerele de testare climatică GWalkIn cu acces-GWalkIn cameră climatică

GWALKIN Modular Environmental Test Chambers, Galli Original Design - GALLI's GWALKIN model presents optimal testing conditions, These Walk-In Climatic Test Chambers boast a variety of features and advantages tailored to meet the diverse needs of product testing. Available in volumes from 5m3 to 40m3, equipped with precise temperature & humidity control, and lighting management, they serve as an exceptional choice for stability testing across industries such as Pharma, Food & Beverage, Cosmetics, and Material Testing. Moreover, they are suitable for conducting extreme tests in Automotive, Aeronautical, and various other industrial tests. GWALKIN ensure the ideal testing environments across a broad spectrum of temperatures, from sub-zero levels to high temperatures, with precise control over relative humidity, from minimal values to saturation points. In the pharmaceutical sector, our Walk-In Chambers cater to both long-term and accelerated stability testing conditions, according to ICH Q1A (R2) standard for new drug substances and drug products.
Pfeuffer HOH-Express HE 60

Pfeuffer HOH-Express HE 60

Feuchtigkeitsbestimmung, eichfähig mit staubdichter Folientastatur, Digitalanzeige, automatischer Temperaturkorrektur, aufladbarem Akku, für Weizen, Roggen, Gerste, Hafer, Raps, Bohnen und Erbsen. (inkl. 14 Kalibrationen) Von der PTB unter Nr. 11.34/89.06 zur Eichung zugelassen Weizen, Durumweizen und Roggen bis 26% Gerste und Hafer bis 23% Raps und Sonnenblumenkerne bis 18% Mais mit Spezialmesszelle bis 42%
Materiale de Referință Certificate

Materiale de Referință Certificate

We are manufacturer accredited 17034 of CRM for conductivity meters, pHmeters and refractometers.
Produse din sticlă acrilică

Produse din sticlă acrilică

Acrylglas-Produkte sind nicht nur brillant, sondern physiologisch völlig unbedenklich.
Masă antivibrație - Diverse modele: oțel, inox, dublu etc...

Masă antivibrație - Diverse modele: oțel, inox, dublu etc...

La table antivibratoire pour les balances de laboratoire est conçue pour assurer la plus haute stabilité de résultats de mesures de masses. La table est équipée d’un châssis stable en acier, de pieds avec les embases réglables pour les mises à niveaux et de plateau solide en granite. La table garantit les conditions confortables de travail avec une balance parce qu’elle élimine des vibrations d’une surface et des vibrations évoquées par un opérateur. Les pressions exercées sur le châssis de la table, les mouvements et les vibrations n’influencent pas la construction de la table grâce au système de double support. Existe en plusieurs configurations. Possibilité d’adapter les dimensions de la table aux demandes spéciales des clients.
Accesorii de laborator - Chiuvetă, Robinet, Vane de gaz, Suporturi pentru uscare

Accesorii de laborator - Chiuvetă, Robinet, Vane de gaz, Suporturi pentru uscare

Laboratuvar Evyeleri, Laboratuvar Muslukları, Gaz Muslukları, Kurutma Askılıkları, Galoşmatik, Laboratuvar Fanları, Laboratuvar Ex-Proof Ürünleri
O gamă cuprinzătoare de consumabile de laborator durabile - Vârfuri de pipetă, consumabile PCR, plăci Petri, tuburi și sticle de mediu

O gamă cuprinzătoare de consumabile de laborator durabile - Vârfuri de pipetă, consumabile PCR, plăci Petri, tuburi și sticle de mediu

AHN offers a wide range of high-quality pipette tips that are suitable for various laboratory applications. The options include filter and non-filter, sterile and non-sterile, with low retention properties and an ultimate finish, preventing liquid retention by dispensing. These tips are made of 100% virgin polypropylene in a state-of-the-art production facility located in Central Germany. The pipette tips feature an optimized cone geometry and graduation marks for easy volume check, ensuring accurate and precise liquid dispensing. Multiple packaging options such as bags, rack boxes, and reload system are available to meet the needs of different lab setups. AHN's low retention tips enable maximum sample recovery and high-precision volume dispensing. In addition to pipette tips, AHN also offers other laboratory consumables such as PCR tubes, strips and plates, Petri Dishes, Centrifuge Tubes, and Reagent Reservoirs. Modern, Fully automated manufacturing facility in Central Germany:High-quality materials Certified DNase, RNase & human DNA free:Gamma Sterilized
Coloane de Cromatografie Gaze Zebron - Gamă extinsă de coloane GC pentru aplicații în diverse sectoare industriale.

Coloane de Cromatografie Gaze Zebron - Gamă extinsă de coloane GC pentru aplicații în diverse sectoare industriale.

Zebron GC columns are engineered by expert Phenomenex GC scientists that created key J&W technologies. Our inventive philosophy and expertise in GC column manufacturing allow us to continuously develop award-winning column chemistries. We provide best-in-class technologies and support to make your analysis easier – let the Zebron experience put you first. Zebron’s track record of innovation has been recognized with 3 R&D 100 Awards. No other GC columns have received this honor.
Vârfuri de pipetă

Vârfuri de pipetă

Pipettenspitzen mit verschiedenen Maßen und in verschiedene Farben. Wir führen Pipettenspitzen für die gängigsten Pipetten wie Eppendorf, Gilson oder Brandt. Beschreibung: Pipettenspitzen, 0 - 10 μl
Dispenser de Membrană DDA / DDC / DDE cu Control prin Motor Pas cu Pas

Dispenser de Membrană DDA / DDC / DDE cu Control prin Motor Pas cu Pas

zur pulsationsarmen Förderung von Fluiden (0‚0025 L/h - 30L/h bei bis zu 16 bar)
AIRSAMPLER AC100H Sampler Microbian Aerian Filtru HEPA

AIRSAMPLER AC100H Sampler Microbian Aerian Filtru HEPA

Airsampler mit Hepa Filter ISO 14698-1, ISO 8573-1, ISO 8573-7 compliant Exhaust HEPA Filter LIGHTHOUSE AIRSAMPLER Luftkeimsammler AC100H AUCH IM VERLEIH 8.9 cm Farb Touchscreen ISO 14698-1, ISO 8573-1, ISO 8573-7 compliant Exhaust HEPA Filter 8 programmierbare Sample Volumen 50 programmierbare Benutzer Namen 400 programmierbare/bezeichenbare Locations „Flow rate“ Alarmierung Datenlogging auf einen USB-Stick möglich Password-Security für die Einstellungen des Luftkeimsammlers Autoklavierbarer Sampling Head and Deckel Autoklavierbarerer Petrischalenhalter (Patent Pending) 24 VAC adapter und 8 Stunden Batterielaufzeit verschieden Samplingmodes Desinfizierbar mit Reinigungsmittel Airsampler AC 100H Exhaust HEPA Filter CCSTEC Airsampler Lighthouse 100H Exhaust HEPA Filter Kalibrierung: Vor Ort beim Kunden möglich
Agitatori Orbitale de Incubare - Agitatori de Incubare și Răcire

Agitatori Orbitale de Incubare - Agitatori de Incubare și Răcire

Gli agitatori orbitali di incubazione per carichi leggeri offrono una soluzione innovativa che combina funzioni di incubazione e scuotimento, garantendo un risparmio di spazio sul banco di lavoro. Questi dispositivi sono progettati per incubare i campioni in modo preciso e ripetibile. Dotati di display indipendenti e comandi tattili intuitivi, questi agitatori offrono un’interfaccia utente semplice e intuitiva. Inoltre, includono funzioni di sicurezza per proteggere sia l’operatore sia i campioni durante il processo di incubazione e scuotimento. Gli agitatori sono robusti e affidabili, grazie ai loro sistemi di azionamento triplo eccentrico che garantiscono un movimento orbitale stabile. Il controllo mediante chip integrato assicura uno scuotimento affidabile e uniforme.
Cap de Sondă Modular

Cap de Sondă Modular

Wir bieten ein breites Spektrum an Messgeräten zur Erfassung der physikalischen und chemischen Parameter von Grundwasser, Oberflächenwasser und Abwässer.
AutoQuest Autosampler pentru Cromatografie

AutoQuest Autosampler pentru Cromatografie

The Cecil Instruments autosampler, may be used with virtually all HPLC and Ion Chromatography systems. The astoundingly reliable 100 sample position autosampler, provides for ultra-low carryover, ultra-high injection precision, replicate injections and sample volumes from 5 µL to 2 mL. The ultra-low carry-over, provides effective sampling for todays’ trace residue and contaminant analyses.
Sita cu jet de aer SLS - SLS 200 - analiză rapidă, precisă și reproductibilă a dimensiunii particulelor

Sita cu jet de aer SLS - SLS 200 - analiză rapidă, precisă și reproductibilă a dimensiunii particulelor

Das Luftstrahlsieb SLS 200 wurde für die Erfordernisse des modernen Labors an eine schnelle, präzise und reproduzierbare Korngrößenanalyse aller trockenen Siebgüter entwickelt. Der Analysenbereich erstreckt sich von ca. 20 bis 4000 µm. Die Probenmenge beträgt, abhängig von der Materialdichte, ca. 500 g. Mit der optional erhältlichen Luftvorwärmung lässt sich das Einsatzfeld des SLS für hygroskopische Produkte erweitern.